Detalle del Recurso:


(EN) The Guidelines were developed through a collaborative process involving the JP GTA and the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform carried out from January to December 2022. A technical working group was set up to guide the process, comprising the Global Coordinator of the JP GTA, gender programme officers and specialists from the three RBAs, and a group of CGIAR gender researchers. The technical working group met bimonthly over the course of five months to present ideas and consolidate input into the formulation of a draft framework, a glossary of terms and annotated outline of the Guidelines, and to prepare for an expert consultation to collect feedback and discuss the progress made.


La plataforma digital del Observatorio de Políticas Públicas para los Sistemas Agroalimentarios (OPSAa) está al servicio de los países de las Américas como un punto de encuentro para el intercambio de conocimientos e impulsar la nueva generación de políticas públicas que transformen los sistemas agroalimentarios del hemisferio.



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