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Presupuesto en USD según filtro USD 59.230.000,00 (2 registros)

Development of systems to prevent forest fires and monitor vegetation cover in the Brazilian Cerrado

The objective of the Project is to enhance the Member Country s institutional capacity in monitoring deforestation, in providing information on fire risks, and in estimating related GHG emissions in the Cerrado.

  • Brasil
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FIP: Environmental regularization of rural lands in the Cerrado of Brazil

The Project Development Objective is to enhance the capacity of the Federative Republic of Brazil s Ministry of Agriculture, livestock and Food Supply, through Brazilian Forest Service, and nine SEAs to receive, analyze and approve rural environmenta...

  • Brasil
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Total 2 registros

La plataforma digital del Observatorio de Políticas Públicas para los Sistemas Agroalimentarios (OPSAa) está al servicio de los países de las Américas como un punto de encuentro para el intercambio de conocimientos e impulsar la nueva generación de políticas públicas que transformen los sistemas agroalimentarios del hemisferio.



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